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Learn more about PNTS here

August 3, 2022

The Partnership for the National Trails System (PNTS) is a 501(c)(3) that connects member not-for-profit trail organizations and Federal agency partners to further the protection, completion, and stewardship of the 32 national scenic and historic trails within the National Trails System.

The PNTS advocates on behalf of the National Trails System as a whole for land preservation and stewardship resources. Other major roles of the PNTS include the collection and dissemination of National Trails news and the development of outreach initiatives and youth programming.

Today, the Partnership has over 30 National Scenic & Historic Trail members and a growing network of affiliate members and works in close collaboration with the several Federal agency partners who have jurisdiction over the trails.

Since 2001, the Partnership has embodied the collaboration of the National Trails System Act and has advocated for the trails. The Partnership continues to seek new partnerships and relationships both within and outside the trails community to foster a strong National Trail System well-connected to communities, businesses, and civic groups.

The Partnership recognizes that national trails are a powerful way to connect with nature, history, and culture. The Partnership also recognizes there are historical injustices that have resulted in barriers that prevent people from accessing trails and their resources. On February 8, 2020, the Partnership Board approved this Statement of Inclusion.

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