Nestled in the quiet woods of Elkhorn, Wisconsin, Camp Wandawega is a magical spot that feels like...
In 2022, 148,644 volunteers logged over 717,000 hours to help build, maintain, and extend the National Trails System. Please join in this massive collective effort by giving today so we can do even more to ensure a vibrant and accessible National Trails System for all people.
2022 PNTS Highlights
- 200 advocates were mobilized through activities like the 25th annual Hike the Hill® to meet with officials and agency leaders resulting in increased funding for trails and other accomplishments
- The Indigenous Mapping and Research Project created the Native Lands, National Trails map, toolkit, and webinar series to increase understanding of ancestral lands and enhance collaboration and engagement with Indigenous communities
- $100,000 in capacity-building grants provided to trails to hire interns
- Over 200 trail professionals, volunteers, and enthusiasts attended the 2022 National Trails Workshop receiving over 19 hours of training each
- 7 Trail Apprentices explored careers and other opportunities within the trails community
- PNTS webinars provided over 14 hours of education and registrations increased by nearly 260% over the previous year
- 4 roundtables created space for shared learning and exchange, engaging and supporting 83 professionals
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